Current time in Japan Standard Time (JST)
TZ=Asia/Tokyo date
Pacific Standard Time (PST)
TZ=America/Los_Angeles date
Eastern Standard Time (EST)
TZ=America/New_York date
Central Standard Time (CST)
TZ=America/Chicago date
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) / Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
TZ=Europe/London date
Central European Time (CET)
TZ=Europe/Budapest date
Here is how i use it.
that is very handy. I need to do that all the time.
ReplyDeleteand by the way in your bash script
you can use for i in a b c d
to cycle through the timezones
that would make your script much shorter.
yeah, you're right.
ReplyDeletei just updated the code, have a look.
ReplyDeleteyou could organize the code into a function which makes the code more compact.
Is there anyway to adjust for Daylight savings time? Your London time is off because of their local day light savings time.
ReplyDelete@Brent, 'TZ=Europe/London date' shows the adjusted time on snow leopard, which is UTC/GMT +1 hour